Importing your fonts
With Procreate’s text feature, you can import and use custom fonts in your artwork. Procreate supports .ttc, .ttf, and .otf fonts.
Heads Up
There are a variety of ways to copy files from your Mac or PC to iPad, such as AirDrop .
How to import fonts into Procreate

With an open artwork, tap Actions , tap the Add tab , and tap Add text.
Tap the style button located in the top right-hand corner of the on-screen keyboard. This will open the style panel.
Tap Import in the top right-hand side of the style panel.
Navigate to your fonts in the Files app and select to import.

Pro Tip
You can also drag and drop fonts from other apps into Procreate.
All additionally installed fonts in Procreate can be found in the Files app under On My iPad → Procreate → Fonts. To remove fonts from Procreate, navigate to this folder and delete the font files you wish to remove.
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Try directly copying the link below.